Wednesday 11 April 2012

Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill

Stop weather manipulation - stop spraying. In this century, we believe we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural System.

ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a greater theater of toxic materials being released into the atmosphere/stratosphere, for a myriad of toxic agendas.

Image of young child pointing to an airplane leaving chemtrails.

Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill Tee Shirts
Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill Tee Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Little Boy pointing up Chemtrails Kill Bumper Stickers
Little Boy pointing up Chemtrails Kill Bumper Stickers by truthinducedparanoia

Tuesday 10 April 2012

9 11 was an Inside Job

911 Was Inside Job tshirt
911 Was Inside Job tshirt by truthinducedparanoia
The events of 9-11 were the driving force behind the “War on Terror.” Less well recognized is the fact that this borderless war against an ill-defined enemy has expedited economic collapse, driven totalitarian legislation and generated a great deal of animosity against the United States throughout the world.

Within weeks of September 11 2001, American military forces attacked Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

911 Was Inside Job dark tshirt
911 Was Inside Job dark tshirt by truthinducedparanoia
However, it was and never has been proven that Bin Laden was responsible for the hjackings and subsequent destruction of the world trade center buildings or the Pentagon.

Al Qaeda is a CIA creation as revealed by former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. So why did Bush administration invade Afghanistan?

 Afghanistan is a critical area for the transport of natural gas. The country has over a trillion dollars in other natural resources that were previously unreported. Iraq and Iran are home to the largest reserves of oil and natural gas outside of Saudi Arabia.

911 Truth Official Story Lies poster
911 Truth Official Story Lies poster by truthinducedparanoia
People have begun to recognize that the 9/11 wars are focused on the most strategically important lands for the production of oil and natural gas, and because of this, interest in the 9/11 truth movement has grown.

It is impossible to understand the current US policy if the scope of the September 11 events is underestimated. The events that occurred on that day constituted a coup. The war on terror is based on a myth and it has become a compulsory religion of state since the events took place. The only way of fighting neocons is by destroying that myth. 

Stop the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring american troops home. Lets start multiple investigations into 9/11 a false flag operation.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Angel Sees Chemtrails

Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails. This design is a bit tongue in cheek. I like looking at classical paintings and old paintings. At one point, I came across The Madonna of Foligno painted by Raphael Sanzio, who is better known as Raphael the Italian Renaissance painter.

I must have had other things on my mind at the time. Anyhooo, just another stab at the machine. Enjoy!

Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails Tshirts
Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails Tshirts by truthinducedparanoia

Caption for this design should read something like this. Do you have visions of disease and destruction because planes are spraying toxic chemicals in skies above your city? You are not alone. The Angel in Raphael's Madonna of Foligino sees them too.

Call your local newspapers, call your local police department and report your vision. The holy spirit is with you on this one.

: )

Friday 9 March 2012

Boycott Israeli Products Avoid Barcode 729

The Israeli Palestinian conflict has been brewing since before I was born. I think, it's about time, this conflict be resolved.

I was around when indigenous population of South Africa threw off the shackles of apartheid to which they had been subject for generations. It took a lot of foot stomping, fist waving, a few heroic figures, but what really made the difference was the economic pressure applied through boycotting South African products.

The design features the ominous bar-code with first three numbers 729 highlighted. Most of the products have a bar code to identify them. Each bar code contains a lot of information such as the factory and also the country where it is produced. A bar code starting with "729" indicates that this product is produced in Israel. Sometimes brands are misleading, so be sure to check the bar code for the number 729 at the beginning.

Boycott Israeli Products T-shirt
Boycott Israeli Products T-shirt by truthinducedparanoia

The campaign for BDS is part of the worldwide movement of civil society in support of the Palestinian people for national, civil and human rights. Only international pressure can make Israel cease its violations of international law and human rights. As Governments have failed to hold Israel accountable, it is up to people of conscience in civil society worldwide to heed Palestinian calls for protection and justice.

Here's the design printed on stickers about 3 x 3 inches. 

Help to end Israeli Apartheid Sticker
Help to end Israeli Apartheid Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

Divestment's underlying logic is compelling as it is simple. South Africa's Apartheid government operated a partite system of administration: one component of the government privileged whites exclusively and fundamentally because they were white, while the other subordinated blacks. This was on the basis of race. In the same way, Israel clearly privileges humans of Jewish ancestry over those of Palestinian descent.

This is what apartheid looks likes - Jewish-only settlements, separate roads, military checkpoints, discriminatory marriage law, the West Bank barrier, use of Palestinians as cheap labour,  inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli residents in the Israeli-occupied territories resembles and is even worse than the South African apartheid regime!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Deepwater Horizon oil spill

April 20, 2010, explosion of Deepwater Horizon, which drilled on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect.

Deepwater Horizon oil spill - BP oil spill
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - the BP oil disaster

BP Big Polluter T Shirt
BP Big Polluter T Shirt by truthinducedparanoia

Lets get one thing straight, it was the Deep Water Horizon Oil spill Disaster. Oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico unabated for three months in 2010.

I posted a few articles about the anomalies surrounding this event. You may interested in reading: Gulf Oil Spill Follow The Money and Gulf Oil Spill Big Weather Experiment

british petroleum blue plague synthia shirt
british petroleum blue plague synthia shirt by truthinducedparanoia

At some point in the research, I ran across a radio broadcast posted on Youtube by a guy named Michael Edward. Some guy living in Florida or there about. After the spill he was inspired to host a weekly or daily radio show to share news about the tragedy. I listened to a bunch of episodes and got wind of the notion that BP and some other organizations may have been running live experiments on a grand scale.

Michael Edwards claims BP released genetically modified bacteria or microbes into the gulf of Mexico. Edwards claims these microbes are getting into the food chain causing sickness and sometimes even death.

Here's his website World Vision Portal
british petroleum blue plague shirts
british petroleum blue plague shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Chemtrails Do not look up Shut up

This design was inspired by a photograph which I ran across at one point. The theme was inspired by yet another horrifying reality.

You may have heard or better yet, seen planes leaving long white trails that eventually tranform into a white haze stretching from horizon to horizon, effectively blocking out the sun.

 Chemtrails is the street slang for Weather Modification and GeoEngineering. Start researching chemtrails by visiting Vancouver Sky Watch to get a long list of websites about chemtrails and related subjects. The websites are from all over. Yes sad to say, some sort of supra national agency is responsible for geoengineering operations going on worldwide.

 Over at Canada Sky Watch you can see a growing collection of video documentaries, interviews, conferences and more.

 Join the growing movement to put a stop to spraying of toxic chemicals in the air for the purpose of controlling the weather.

Do Not Look Up Don't ask questions Shirt
Do Not Look Up Don't ask questions Shirt by truthinducedparanoia

In this century, we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural System. ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a greater theater of toxic materials being released into the atmosphere/stratosphere, for a myriad of crude and toxic agendas.
Do Not Look Up tshirt
Do Not Look Up tshirt by truthinducedparanoia

Tuesday 6 March 2012

UN Agenda 21 is Evil tshirt design

The official name of this program is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and "reduce" human population. War is one very efficient vehicle for 'population control,' no?

While the UN speaks vaguely it in terms of population control, insiders say the actual objectives are far more pernicious. It is all documented, all in the open, in various places, and it appears to be coming to a head.

The 'world' rulers it seems think only they have a right to rule, indeed to one else will have rights except in terms of Orwellian transvaluations of language , if IT is allowed to stand.

 It is not population but the confiscations of lands by the elites and the gross energy-consuming hyper real civilizations that these have built for themselves, buttressed by the military-industrial complex making war all over the earth at the expense of the poor.

United Nations Agenda 21 means worldwide depopulation program through war sickness genetically modified food sterilization famine - wake up.

Agenda 21 is Evil Shirt
Agenda 21 is Evil Shirt by truthinducedparanoia

Agenda 21 is Evil Bumper Sticker
Agenda 21 is Evil Bumper Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

Monday 5 March 2012

End the Fed on stickers buttons tshirts

There is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve Bank. Of all the conspiracy theories that may come up in American political discourse, there is one that requires nothing that is supernatural, or even particularly out of the ordinary.

The players may only be vaguely familiar:  Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Warburgs - and the Federal Reserve.

The scope is nothing short of a shadow government that directs hundreds of billions of dollars a year.  But the cost of  funding the operation would only be a few pennies on the dollar a few pennies on the dollar.

End the Fed Bumper Sticker
End the Fed Bumper Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

End the Fed Pinback Button
End the Fed Pinback Button by truthinducedparanoia

End the Fed T Shirts
End the Fed T Shirts by truthinducedparanoia