Friday 9 March 2012

Boycott Israeli Products Avoid Barcode 729

The Israeli Palestinian conflict has been brewing since before I was born. I think, it's about time, this conflict be resolved.

I was around when indigenous population of South Africa threw off the shackles of apartheid to which they had been subject for generations. It took a lot of foot stomping, fist waving, a few heroic figures, but what really made the difference was the economic pressure applied through boycotting South African products.

The design features the ominous bar-code with first three numbers 729 highlighted. Most of the products have a bar code to identify them. Each bar code contains a lot of information such as the factory and also the country where it is produced. A bar code starting with "729" indicates that this product is produced in Israel. Sometimes brands are misleading, so be sure to check the bar code for the number 729 at the beginning.

Boycott Israeli Products T-shirt
Boycott Israeli Products T-shirt by truthinducedparanoia

The campaign for BDS is part of the worldwide movement of civil society in support of the Palestinian people for national, civil and human rights. Only international pressure can make Israel cease its violations of international law and human rights. As Governments have failed to hold Israel accountable, it is up to people of conscience in civil society worldwide to heed Palestinian calls for protection and justice.

Here's the design printed on stickers about 3 x 3 inches. 

Help to end Israeli Apartheid Sticker
Help to end Israeli Apartheid Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

Divestment's underlying logic is compelling as it is simple. South Africa's Apartheid government operated a partite system of administration: one component of the government privileged whites exclusively and fundamentally because they were white, while the other subordinated blacks. This was on the basis of race. In the same way, Israel clearly privileges humans of Jewish ancestry over those of Palestinian descent.

This is what apartheid looks likes - Jewish-only settlements, separate roads, military checkpoints, discriminatory marriage law, the West Bank barrier, use of Palestinians as cheap labour,  inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli residents in the Israeli-occupied territories resembles and is even worse than the South African apartheid regime!

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