Monday 5 March 2012

End the Fed on stickers buttons tshirts

There is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve Bank. Of all the conspiracy theories that may come up in American political discourse, there is one that requires nothing that is supernatural, or even particularly out of the ordinary.

The players may only be vaguely familiar:  Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Warburgs - and the Federal Reserve.

The scope is nothing short of a shadow government that directs hundreds of billions of dollars a year.  But the cost of  funding the operation would only be a few pennies on the dollar a few pennies on the dollar.

End the Fed Bumper Sticker
End the Fed Bumper Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

End the Fed Pinback Button
End the Fed Pinback Button by truthinducedparanoia

End the Fed T Shirts
End the Fed T Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

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