Wednesday 21 March 2012

Angel Sees Chemtrails

Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails. This design is a bit tongue in cheek. I like looking at classical paintings and old paintings. At one point, I came across The Madonna of Foligno painted by Raphael Sanzio, who is better known as Raphael the Italian Renaissance painter.

I must have had other things on my mind at the time. Anyhooo, just another stab at the machine. Enjoy!

Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails Tshirts
Angel in Madonna of Foligno sees chemtrails Tshirts by truthinducedparanoia

Caption for this design should read something like this. Do you have visions of disease and destruction because planes are spraying toxic chemicals in skies above your city? You are not alone. The Angel in Raphael's Madonna of Foligino sees them too.

Call your local newspapers, call your local police department and report your vision. The holy spirit is with you on this one.

: )

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