Tuesday 6 March 2012

UN Agenda 21 is Evil tshirt design

The official name of this program is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and "reduce" human population. War is one very efficient vehicle for 'population control,' no?

While the UN speaks vaguely it in terms of population control, insiders say the actual objectives are far more pernicious. It is all documented, all in the open, in various places, and it appears to be coming to a head.

The 'world' rulers it seems think only they have a right to rule, indeed to live...no one else will have rights except in terms of Orwellian transvaluations of language , if IT is allowed to stand.

 It is not population but the confiscations of lands by the elites and the gross energy-consuming hyper real civilizations that these have built for themselves, buttressed by the military-industrial complex making war all over the earth at the expense of the poor.

United Nations Agenda 21 means worldwide depopulation program through war sickness genetically modified food sterilization famine - wake up.

Agenda 21 is Evil Shirt
Agenda 21 is Evil Shirt by truthinducedparanoia

Agenda 21 is Evil Bumper Sticker
Agenda 21 is Evil Bumper Sticker by truthinducedparanoia

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