Tuesday 10 April 2012

9 11 was an Inside Job

911 Was Inside Job tshirt
911 Was Inside Job tshirt by truthinducedparanoia
The events of 9-11 were the driving force behind the “War on Terror.” Less well recognized is the fact that this borderless war against an ill-defined enemy has expedited economic collapse, driven totalitarian legislation and generated a great deal of animosity against the United States throughout the world.

Within weeks of September 11 2001, American military forces attacked Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

911 Was Inside Job dark tshirt
911 Was Inside Job dark tshirt by truthinducedparanoia
However, it was and never has been proven that Bin Laden was responsible for the hjackings and subsequent destruction of the world trade center buildings or the Pentagon.

Al Qaeda is a CIA creation as revealed by former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. So why did Bush administration invade Afghanistan?

 Afghanistan is a critical area for the transport of natural gas. The country has over a trillion dollars in other natural resources that were previously unreported. Iraq and Iran are home to the largest reserves of oil and natural gas outside of Saudi Arabia.

911 Truth Official Story Lies poster
911 Truth Official Story Lies poster by truthinducedparanoia
People have begun to recognize that the 9/11 wars are focused on the most strategically important lands for the production of oil and natural gas, and because of this, interest in the 9/11 truth movement has grown.

It is impossible to understand the current US policy if the scope of the September 11 events is underestimated. The events that occurred on that day constituted a coup. The war on terror is based on a myth and it has become a compulsory religion of state since the events took place. The only way of fighting neocons is by destroying that myth. 

Stop the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring american troops home. Lets start multiple investigations into 9/11 a false flag operation.

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