Wednesday 11 April 2012

Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill

Stop weather manipulation - stop spraying. In this century, we believe we are witnessing the gradual, purposeful demise of the Earth's Natural System.

ChemTrails are only a vague description, in lay-terms, of a greater theater of toxic materials being released into the atmosphere/stratosphere, for a myriad of toxic agendas.

Image of young child pointing to an airplane leaving chemtrails.

Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill Tee Shirts
Wake Up Look Up Speak Up For Me Chemtrails Kill Tee Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Little Boy pointing up Chemtrails Kill Bumper Stickers
Little Boy pointing up Chemtrails Kill Bumper Stickers by truthinducedparanoia

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