Monday 8 July 2013

Stop Chemtrails NOW!

Are you paying attention? It's not a joke. Planes really are spraying some sort of substance into the atmosphere and it REALLY is effecting the weather and climate.

Don't believe me... get on YouTube and type in Chemtrails 'insert location' - and see what you come up with. Okay? Do you think millions of people worldwide somehow got together and decided to push a big whopper lie?

UFO's you say. This has nothing to do with aliens? For god's sake the subject of UFO's has its own TV channel... how much of it are you going to believe when the mass media is actually pushing the idea of UFO's. Where is the body count for UFO whistle blowers? Use your head.

The mass media has all but completely ignored millions of people who ask them to present stories about 'geoengineering' but the same mass media is all to eager to push the theory of alien contact.
Stop Chemtrails Stop Sign on dark background Tshirts
Stop Chemtrails Stop Sign on dark background Tshirts by truthinducedparanoia

Chemtrails over POLAND

Chemtrails over CALIFORNIA

Stop Chemtrails T Shirts
Stop Chemtrails T Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Stop chemtrails stickers
Stop chemtrails stickers by truthinducedparanoia

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