Wednesday 3 July 2013

Stand in Solidarity with the People of Egypt

The people have spoken! Another zionist stooge thrown into the dustbin of history. One down, a thousand more to go.

President Mohamed Morsi has been stripped of his power by the Egyptian army, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in a statement. The country's chief justice of the constitutional court will be the interim president of the country.

The country's constitution has also been suspended.

"The address of the president yesterday did not meet the demands of the masses of the people. As a result it was a necessity for the armed forces to consult with certain political and social figures without sidelining any party where the meeting parties agreed upon a future roadmap plan which included initial measures whereby a coherent Egyptian society is achieved without marginalizing any individual political party and putting an end to the state of division," Sisi said. He added that the demands of the people have now been heeded.

Check Russian Today or PressTV news services for more info. Just about now, their the only REAL news service in town.

Western leaders? The silence says it all. Power to the people.


This revolution has been in the making for a very, very long time. I had a chance to visit Cairo, Egypt way back in the year 1998 and let me tell you, though the people were subdued, I felt the rage stewing just below the surface.

No matter where we went, it seemed there were young men standing around holding machine guns looking on with complete disinterest.

I visited one of the poorer neighbourhoods and found the locals were in the habit of throwing their garbage straight out onto the narrow streets. An assortment of ripped up packaging, rotting food and worn out shoes meandered like a stinking snake along the dirt roads, piled so high, I had to step onto it to get to the other side.

Of course, I visited the pyramids and the sphinx, along with millions of other visitors. However, I was blown away by the level of poverty. How could this be, I thought to myself. The tourism industry alone must be bringing in millions of dollars into Egypt, but why were the people so poor?

Support Arab people's Revolution Tshirt
Support Egyptian people's Revolution Tshirt by truthinducedparanoia

The Egyptian Revolution You're Not Seeing In America - July 1 2013

A compilation of the most dramatic footage from the 2011 Egyptian Revolution

Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution

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