Wednesday 31 July 2013

Free Palestine Peace Sign White Dove Red Heart

Free Palestine Peace Sign White Dove Red Heart

Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign Tee Shirts
Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign Tee Shirts
The Israeli occupation has clearly violated all three of these principles of international law. In fact, throughout its prolonged occupation, Israel has persistently and aggressively breached international law.

Thus, what makes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land illegal is not the fact that it occurred during the war of 1967 (regardless of the narrative concerning the causes of the war). What makes the Israeli occupation illegal is that it has existed for 35 years, during which time it transformed into a form of colonialism and suppressed and oppressed an entire people for decades, preventing them from the exercise of their right to self-determination and the establishment of their State, Palestine.

Israel, as an occupying Power, has undertaken countless measures attempting to change the legal status, demographic composition and character of the territory by confiscating land, exploiting natural resources, building more than 250 settlements, transferring more than 400,000 Israelis to the occupied territories, establishing a dual system of law and even annexing part of the territory.

Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign white Canvas Bag
Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign white Canvas Bag

Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign Postcards
Free Palestine Dove Heart Peace Sign Postcards

See more designs on a variety of products at TruthInducedParanoia - Free Palestine

Monday 15 July 2013

Psychiatry is a Business not Science

Psychiatry is a Business not Science

Psychiatry is a business not science dark shirt
Psychiatry is a business not science dark shirt by truthinducedparanoia

Psychiatry, is a pseudo-science - The Rosenhan Experiment - THUD, THUD

Psychiatry big business not science bumperstick bumper stickers
Psychiatry big business not science bumperstick bumper stickers by truthinducedparanoia

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging    MUST WATCH VIDEO!!

Facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry.
These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most "doctors" would call this dependence because you do not have to take an increasing dose over time.
They are completely fine with you being addicted to the same amount of any given drug on a daily basis. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs.

Psychiatry is a business not science bag
Psychiatry is a business not science bag by truthinducedparanoia

Psychiatry - An industry of Death

Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the mental health industry and its abuses, this riveting documentary blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudoscience and multi-billion dollar fraud that is psychiatry.
We think you have the right to know the cold, hard facts about psychiatry, its practitioners and the threat they pose to our children. Get the truth—watch this film.
Governments, insurance companies and private individuals pay billions of dollars each year to psychiatrists in pursuit of cures that psychiatrists admit do not exist. Psychiatry's "therapies" have caused millions of deaths.

You can view a bunch more of my 'Anti Corporate' designs - click here

Monday 8 July 2013

Stop Chemtrails NOW!

Are you paying attention? It's not a joke. Planes really are spraying some sort of substance into the atmosphere and it REALLY is effecting the weather and climate.

Don't believe me... get on YouTube and type in Chemtrails 'insert location' - and see what you come up with. Okay? Do you think millions of people worldwide somehow got together and decided to push a big whopper lie?

UFO's you say. This has nothing to do with aliens? For god's sake the subject of UFO's has its own TV channel... how much of it are you going to believe when the mass media is actually pushing the idea of UFO's. Where is the body count for UFO whistle blowers? Use your head.

The mass media has all but completely ignored millions of people who ask them to present stories about 'geoengineering' but the same mass media is all to eager to push the theory of alien contact.
Stop Chemtrails Stop Sign on dark background Tshirts
Stop Chemtrails Stop Sign on dark background Tshirts by truthinducedparanoia

Chemtrails over POLAND

Chemtrails over CALIFORNIA

Stop Chemtrails T Shirts
Stop Chemtrails T Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Stop chemtrails stickers
Stop chemtrails stickers by truthinducedparanoia

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Stand in Solidarity with the People of Egypt

The people have spoken! Another zionist stooge thrown into the dustbin of history. One down, a thousand more to go.

President Mohamed Morsi has been stripped of his power by the Egyptian army, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in a statement. The country's chief justice of the constitutional court will be the interim president of the country.

The country's constitution has also been suspended.

"The address of the president yesterday did not meet the demands of the masses of the people. As a result it was a necessity for the armed forces to consult with certain political and social figures without sidelining any party where the meeting parties agreed upon a future roadmap plan which included initial measures whereby a coherent Egyptian society is achieved without marginalizing any individual political party and putting an end to the state of division," Sisi said. He added that the demands of the people have now been heeded.

Check Russian Today or PressTV news services for more info. Just about now, their the only REAL news service in town.

Western leaders? The silence says it all. Power to the people.


This revolution has been in the making for a very, very long time. I had a chance to visit Cairo, Egypt way back in the year 1998 and let me tell you, though the people were subdued, I felt the rage stewing just below the surface.

No matter where we went, it seemed there were young men standing around holding machine guns looking on with complete disinterest.

I visited one of the poorer neighbourhoods and found the locals were in the habit of throwing their garbage straight out onto the narrow streets. An assortment of ripped up packaging, rotting food and worn out shoes meandered like a stinking snake along the dirt roads, piled so high, I had to step onto it to get to the other side.

Of course, I visited the pyramids and the sphinx, along with millions of other visitors. However, I was blown away by the level of poverty. How could this be, I thought to myself. The tourism industry alone must be bringing in millions of dollars into Egypt, but why were the people so poor?

Support Arab people's Revolution Tshirt
Support Egyptian people's Revolution Tshirt by truthinducedparanoia

The Egyptian Revolution You're Not Seeing In America - July 1 2013

A compilation of the most dramatic footage from the 2011 Egyptian Revolution

Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution

The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future - book by Ralph Nader

The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future - latest book written by Ralph Nader

check out the latest books written by Ralph Nader - and a MUST SEE video lecture.

Ralph Nader presents his thoughts on America's economic and sociopolitical landscape and provides seventeen solutions that he contends will answer several issues facing the country. Ralph Nader speaks at Busboys & Poets in Washington, D.C.

I liked the video lecture because sometimes I get depressed... it happens. At times, activism seems as effective as spitting into the wind.