Tuesday 25 June 2013

I Heart Palestine

I Heart Palestine > I Love Palestine
Heart shaped flag of Palestine > kufiya cloth > Keffiyeh scarf > shemagh head dress
Show your support for Palestine!

I love Palestine T-shirt
I love Palestine T-shirt by truthinducedparanoia

I love Palestine iPhone 4 Cover
I love Palestine iPhone 4 Cover by truthinducedparanoia

The Catastrophe - al Nakba 

The ruthless war of Independence waged by brutal Israeli forces against a mostly unarmed civilian population of Palestine. Over 750,000 Palestinian men, women and children were driven from homes and villages. Israeli forces carried out over 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian villages.

Author Norman Finkelstein states: “According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, ‘in almost every village occupied by us during the War... acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”
I love Palestine Baby Pacifiers
I love Palestine Baby Pacifiers by truthinducedparanoia

You can view a large range of Pro Palestine designs - Free Palestine tshirts and Free Palestine designs

Monday 24 June 2013

911 Truth No Peace without Justice

9/11 Truth
There can be no Peace without Justice
There can be no Justice without Truth

911 Truth No Peace without Justice Tee Shirts
911 Truth No Peace without Justice Tee Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Within weeks of September 11 2001, American military forces attacked Afghanistan in persuit of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. However, it was and never has been proven that Bin Laden was responsible for the hjackings and subsequent destruction of the world trade center buildings or the Pentagon.

Al Qaeda is a CIA creation as revealed by former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.
So why did Bush administration invade Afghanistan?

9-11 Truth No Peace Without Justice Mug
9-11 Truth No Peace Without Justice Mug by truthinducedparanoia

Ben Swann answers the question, who created Al-Qaeda?

Friday 21 June 2013

War on Terror is War on Liberty

War on Terror is War on Liberty
The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The title of the act is a ten letter bacronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001

Have you noticed that We the People have lost a lot of our LIBERTIES since the War on Terror began?
If you haven't noticed, you probably live under a rock and don't take get around much by cars, trains, buses or airplanes.

War on Terror is War on Liberty Tshirt
War on Terror is War on Liberty Tshirt by truthinducedparanoia

For example, the Patriot Act allowed the government to: 
 • Force records custodians, such a libraries, schools, social work institutions and Internet service providers to turn over records to the federal government without explanation or justification.
 • Seize assets from charities, even without probably cause.
 • Require the release of records from telecommunications and financial services companies without any court order.
 • Spy on citizens using a Cold War-era statute designed for tracking the covert activities of Soviet agents.
 • Imprison American citizens without proper due process.

War on Terror is War on Liberty white shirt
War on Terror is War on Liberty white shirt by truthinducedparanoia

Oh yah, I forget to mention, the TSA. On Nov. 19, 2001, the Transportation Security Administration was born. The bureaucracy, best known for harassing and molesting travelers in airport terminals, not only cost Americans a total of $60 billion since 9/11, but a number of lawsuits are winding their way through federal court claiming that the TSA's screening tactics violate Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are Crazy

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are Crazy Tshirts and more.

Stick figure making crazy motions - GM Foods are insane! Ban GMO - Genetic engineering is the alteration of genetic code by artificial means, and is therefore different from traditional selective breeding.

Monsanto Mission Statement - No food will be grown that we do not own.

In effect, the term Genetically Modified refers to the plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. In conversation, GMO's and GE foods refer to the same thing. They are foods created by merging DNA from different species.

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are crazy Tshirts
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are crazy Tshirts by truthinducedparanoia
GMO crops were introduced as a remedy to world hunger. The argument being that developing pesticide and herbicide resistant crops, farmers would be able to increase their crop yields and decrease their costs. However quite the opposite has occured. Bugs and weeds have become increasingly resistant to the widespread applications of these chemicals, leading to increased use of both. More spraying means more costs for the farmers, more damage to the environment and more health concerns.


The safety of GMO foods has not been sufficiently proved. In fact a growing body of research and anecdotal evidence submitted by farmers connects these GM foods with health concerns and environmental damage.

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are crazy Tote Bags
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms are crazy Tote Bags by truthinducedparanoia

Monday 17 June 2013

Main Stream Media Sells Fear

Like that's news to anyone with a two halves of a brain.
Main Stream Media Sells Fear = FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

Imminent financial collapse, foreign war, domestic terrorism, weekend murders and whistle-blowers on the run... your life is at stake! More at 11pm. And now for the sports report.

Main Stream Media Sells Fear black text Shirts
Main Stream Media Sells Fear black text Shirts by truthinducedparanoia

Main Stream Media Sells Fear black text Extra Large Mug
Main Stream Media Sells Fear black text Extra Large Mug by truthinducedparanoia

Saturday 15 June 2013

Bilderberg Group - Mondo Nostra

Well, well, what you know, the Bilderberg Group has got its own website now. LOL! Here's a little excerpt:

Founded in 1954, Bilderberg is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. (read that as, uber rich Westerners plotting against the world).

Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields. The conference is a forum for informal, off-the-record discussions about megatrends and the major issues facing the world. (read that as uber rich people and their minions in key positions plotting against the poor people of the world).

Thanks to the private nature of the conference, the participants are not bound by the conventions of office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. (read that as thanks to the Presstitute Lapdog Corporate run media who never reported on the Bilderberg group since its inception, the group got away with their illegal meetings. Read about the Logan Act. However, thanks to the dogged presistence of the alternative media, the Bilderberg group was forced to at least acknowledge that they do indeed exist as a group. Hence their templated website).

There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued. (BS! It's well documented that these meetings result in long term plans to be carried out by puppet government officials back home).

The Sicilian Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra, in English "Our Thing")
BIGGER BADDER MAFIA > the Bilderberg Group > (Mondo Nostra, in English "Our World")

Bilderberg Mondo Nostra T-shirt
Bilderberg Mondo Nostra T-shirt by truthinducedparanoia

People seem to like this design on this product.... I guess it's one way to deal with the Bilderberg Blues... dark tasty ale, lots of it, in a big old beer stein.

Bilderberg Mondo Nostra Mug
Bilderberg Mondo Nostra Mug by truthinducedparanoia